Course curriculum

    1. What is MDXSU?

    2. What do the Officers do for you?

    3. Campaign Priorities 2021/22

    4. MDXSU Autumn Elections 2021

    5. Student Voice Leaders

    6. Faculty Committee Representatives

    7. NUS National & Liberation Conference Delegates

    8. Join a Student Group at Middlesex University

    9. Induction from Anastasia, your Vice President

    10. Your voice at MDX - Quiz

    1. Black History Month 2021

    2. What is Black History Month?

    3. What is Black History Month?

    4. Black History Month in the UK

    5. Black History Month in the UK

    6. Black History Month in Britain

    7. Black and British: A forgotten history

    8. Literature: Celebrating Black Stories

    9. Literature: History

    10. Literature: Fiction

    11. Movies

    12. Celebrating Black History Month

    13. Black History Month Events You Should Not Miss!

    1. Introduction

    2. Terminology

    3. MDXSU Liberation Groups

    4. MDXSU Student Communities

    5. Activity 1 - Your own identity

    6. Activity 2 - Being an ally

    7. Test your knowledge

    1. MDXSU Elections

    2. Student Leader Roles

    3. Full-Time Roles

    4. Part-Time Roles

    5. Key Dates

    6. Application Process

    7. Candidate Development

    8. Elections FAQs answered!

    9. Elections quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 39 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content